Our 5 Key Principles
Our approach to our business is one of service to the client in pursuit of results – be it strategic or investment.
We strive for a service ethic that is second to none because we believe that this is essential to the ongoing success of our business.
Teamwork is at our core. Advisers, support staff and administrators work together to meet client objectives, manage portfolios and provide the standard of service expected of a boutique practice.
The heart of our business is the provision of professional portfolio management, advice and ongoing service.
We utilise a highly personalised process.
As a boutique practice, it is essential that we develop and maintain ongoing relationships with our clients as we grow their wealth and manage their affairs in a manner that suits their needs.
We expect our relationships with our clients will last for many years. Many of the original clients remain clients today.
The start of the process is the discussion stage. At this point, we explore the client’s current situation, needs and goals. This provides an opportunity for both the client and the Guardian adviser to get to know each other and explore whether we can work together in our collective interest.
Once formally engaged, we will go about the tasks of gathering data, assessing risks developing strategies and modelling outcomes in order to meet our agreed brief.
We will then go back to you for discussion and approval to implement the agreed course of action.
Part of our role is to ensure adherence to the agreed strategy or to change course as your personal circumstances and the economic circumstances evolve.
While the process is a formalised one, it is tailored to the needs of the client. We view our on-going role as that of a genuine ‘trusted adviser’ – there to help you meet your goals as your circumstances evolve.
We believe the value for our clients is in our ongoing management of their affairs.
We provide a reliable and disciplined hand, adjusting as your needs evolve and the markets change.
Clients benefit from our thorough knowledge and planning of their affairs. Clients also benefit from our strong network of relationships across financial markets and the various counterparties enabling access to those investments that are hard to find or are just that little bit special.
Where we truly come into our own, is by drawing together the various facets of your affairs and the investment landscape, into a smooth and timely client experience.
Best Interest
Guardian has maintained its own License for over 30 years, in your best interest.
In the past, much of the financial services industry was concentrated in the hand of a few vertically integrated Financial Services Licence holders and their subsidiaries. The provision of ‘advice’ was often tainted with the sale of product manufactured by the institution to which the adviser is beholden, and was not necessarily in the best interests of the client.
Guardian is a privately owned business, tasked with the role of vetting all available investment opportunities and strategies to ensure they are in the best interests of our clients.
All Guardian retail Advisers have completed the FASEA exam.
Guardian is a founding member of the Queensland Small Dealers Group and the Boutique Financial Planning Principals Group.
These groups were formed with the interests of practitioner Advisers and their Clients in mind.
Guardian Advisers take direct ownership of the clients they service.
We pride ourselves on providing proactive advice and portfolio management to our clients. Advisers undertake regular technical training to ensure they are up to date with the latest legislation and strategies available.
Delivery of advice and results, at the standard we expect of ourselves, also requires thorough knowledge of investments.
Ongoing research into the assets in the portfolio, maintaining relationships with market participants, as well as understanding the prevailing economic conditions, are core adviser functions for the delivery of portfolio results.